IIRR AICRIP-Home Plant Breeding Hybrid Rice Agronomy Soil Science  Plant Physiology Entomology Plant Pathology FLD
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Planting & Nursery Updates - centers
Field Days - centers
Technology - centers

Varietal Improvement Trials (Hill) - Progress Report-2024

Kharif 2024-List of lines not included in trials

Varietal Improvement Trials (Irrigated) - Technical Programme-2024

Draft proceedings of 59 Annual Rice Group Meetings

Volume 1 Varietal Improvement 2023

Volume II Entomology and Plant Pathology 2023

Volume III Agronomy, Soil Science & Plant Physiology 2023

National Screening Nurseries 2023

Production Oriented Survey 2023

Draft AICRIP Agronomy 2023 AET's

AVT 1 & IVT Boro Data 2023

AVT 2 Draft Data 2023 (Finalized Table with quality will be uploaded)

ICAR - IIRR AVT 2 Trials Constitution 2023 Final

Production Oriented Survey Data Portal


All India Coordinated Research Project on Rice(AICRPR) is a major activity in DRR involving several locations all over the country to test of various technologies developed in rice production.  Such all India testing of promising breeding material (varieties, hybrids, composites, agronomical practices and other input use) helps in identifying the most stable, high-yielding or superior genotypes suited for different agro-climatic conditions and possessing the required level of resistance to the targeted insect pests and diseases. AICRIP Intranet is targeted to automate the whole process of AICRIP data starting from centers, cooperators, trials, technical programme, seed dispatch and confirmation, crop condition to final summery tables for the reaction of aboitic /biotic stress on genotypes.

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Our Mandate

Development, multilocation, evaluation and dissemination of technologies to enhance the productivity and profitability of rice crop on an ecologically and economically sustainable basis for the food and nutritional security of the nation.


  • Generation and evaluation of new genetic material in multi-location trials to identify genotypes with broad and specific adaptation

  • Development, evaluation and validation of rice crop management technologies for sustainable production and ensuring protection from biotic and abiotic stresses

  • Pre-breeding and trait discovery for improving crops using diverse germplasm resources

  • Varietal maintenance and seed production.

  • Share experience, knowledge and genetic material among the stakeholders working in
    different parts of the country.

Khudwani Chatha Malan Ludhiana Kaul Kanpur Nagina Pantnagar Ghaghraghat Faizabad Varanasi Patna Pusa Jorhat/Titabar Kohima UpperShillong Wangbal Agartala/Arundhatinagar Bankura Chinsura Ranchi Rewa Kota Nawagam Navasari Karjat Tuljapur Raipur Chplima Jeypore Jagdalpur Rajendranagar Warangal Maruteru Puducherry Aduthurai Coimbatore Pattambi Moncompu Mugad Gangavathi Brahmavar Ponnampet Mandya Sakoli
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