Production Oriented Survey Application from IIRR

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Name of the farmer :
State :
District :      
Village :
Taluq/Block :
Year of survey :
1. Rice ecosystem :

2. General climatic conditions with reference to rice crop :
3. Crop stage at the timeof survey :
4. Percentage of crop land under rice :
If it is not 100% then what crops are being grown:
What is the reason of growing other crops :
5. Crop rotation practiced
1st crop 2nd crop 3rd crop
6. Varieties cultivated by the farmers : If more than one variety, rank them according to area planted
Varieties Type(HYV/Local/Basmati) Area Planted Reason for Choosing the variety
7. Any drastic change in varietal profile compared to last year:
8. If local varieties are still being grown, what are the reasons?
9. Rice yield harvested in the previous season (as reported by the farmer):
Variety Yield(kg/ha)
Variety Yield(kg/ha)
10. Reason for low/high yields:
Please write any agronomic practices for high yields:
11. Time of Planting